Cybersecurity for Educators

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In the digital age, educators face numerous challenges in maintaining professionalism, fostering a secure learning environment, and ensuring data privacy. This video-based course equips educators with essential knowledge and skills to navigate these complexities effectively. In addition, educators would be able to promote and model the responsible use of technology for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Icon of a lock, the text beneath reads "Educate. Protect. Secure"


Icon of a globe with a large warning symbol in triangle in front of it
lack of cybersecurity awareness and training among educators
Icon of a personal file that says "confidential" across it. The file is melting at the bottom
knowledge gaps in secure data storage and protection
Icon of two text bubbles, one with scribbles and the other with a scribbled heart. There are question marks next to the text bubble indicating confusion.
unclear guidance on maintaining boundaries in digital communications


Icon of a person being extra aware
increase educator's awareness of cybersecurity risks
Icon of a personal file with a shield on top of it with a lock
create safe environments by mitigating threats and protecting personal information
Icon of a person working at a laptop with a large clock behind him pointing at 5'o clock
equip educators with skills to maintain professionalism
Icon of a teacher standing in fromt of a board with the text "digital citizenship"
promote digital citizenship to students


To ensure the content of the course was comprehensive and relevant, a thorough research process was undertaken. This involved delving into a variety of sources, including scholarly articles, industry reports, case studies, and regulations pertaining to cybersecurity in the education sectors. Real-world incidents were analyzed to understand common vulnerabilities and threats faced by educators. Additionally, I underwent training focused on evaluating the cybersecurity posture of school systems, as it provided invaluable insights. This proactive approach not only enriched the content of the video series but also demonstrated a commitment to delivering accurate and up-to-date information to educators.


Four main topics were identified as particularly relevant to educators in the classroom, and became the base structure of the series.

1. Overview
2. Malware & Scams
3. Passwords
4. Privacy & Data
5. Professionalism
Style guide of the project shows the display font, primary font, and secondary font. There is a large lock icon to represent the theme. Three colours are also shown: a blue grey, pale pink, and dark green.

For a minimalist look, the videos feature muted colours and simple fonts.

Three main characters were designed in a contemporary style for a clean and professional look:

Mr. Rodriguez the middle school teacher,
Ms. Johnson the elementary school teacher,
and the presenter.

Three characters are shown. The narrator is standing on the right side with her arms up. A male teacher is shown sitting in front of a laptop top. A female teacher is shown sitting on a  and looking pensive


Storyboarding and scripting were done simultaneously. The storyboard served as a blueprint for visualizing key concepts and scenarios depicted in the videos. Different types of scenes were carefully crafted to engage viewers and enhance comprehension, including:

Scenario scenes: set in school environments to illustrate real-world incidents
Simulated screen-captures: show exactly what it looks like on-screen
Chalkboard presentations: convey key points in a familiar educational setting

The use of Vyond facilitated the creation of dynamic visuals.
Some scenes were constructed using templates, while others were custom-made from scratch and took more time and effort.

A sketch of a scene from the video series, showing the narrator presenting information in front of a black boardMovng GIF of a scene from the video series, showing the narrator presenting information in front of a black board
A sketch of a scene from the video series, showing a teacher running towards the principal's office in a school hallwayMovng GIF of a scene from the video series, showing a teacher running towards the principal's office in a school hallway
A sketch of a scene from the video series, showing the clicking of a button in an email and many malicious pop-up adsMovng GIF of a scene from the video series, showing the clicking of a button in an email and many malicious pop-up ads
A sketch of a scene from the video series, showing a teacher walking across the front of a classroom and sitting down in front of a laptopMoving GIF of a scene from the video series, showing a teacher walking across the front of a classroom and sitting down in front of a laptop

Initially, traditional voice recording was considered, but the need for a diverse cast of characters required a more versatile solution.

AI-generated voices were chosen for flexibility through experimentation. This sped up production while achieving a seamless result.

A screenshot of the description of 2 AI-generated voices.


The video series is best delivered through an LMS, managed by employers like school boards for compliance training. These systems provide a comprehensive learning experience, including supplementary materials such as readings, quizzes, and assignments, making learning more active and ensuring accountability. Employers can utilize analytics tools like xAPI or SCORM to identify gaps in educators' understandings. With a data-driven approach, we can update existing courses or develop new ones to address areas of improvement. This continuous assessment and refinement process ensures educators stay up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity knowledge and skills.

A screenshot of the course home page in the Canvas LMS environment. There is a short write-up introducing the course and a "start" button at the bottom.


"Cybersecurity for Educators" offers a vital resource grounded in instructional design principles, empowering educators to navigate digital challenges effectively. Through accessible delivery via Learning Management Systems (LMS) and continuous refinement based on analytics insights, the series ensures educators remain equipped with the latest cybersecurity knowledge. By fostering awareness and practical skills, the series promotes safer learning environments and responsible technology use, benefitting all stakeholders in the educational community.

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