Healthcare Fluency

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For first-generation immigrants, juggling in-person visits, phone calls, and emails about appointments can feel like navigating a labyrinth. Despite a universal healthcare system in Canada, many folks with limited English proficiency face barriers when trying to access healthcare. This struggle can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a heightened dependency on family members for guidance and support in health-related daily interactions.

My father is the reason I decided to work on this project. After thorough research and analysis, I created a thoughtful solution. Through tailored support, communication aids, and targeted language training, this course aims to not only fill in knowledge gaps, but also enhance confidence in navigating daily healthcare settings independently.

Logotype with letters "H" and "F" overlapping eachother


Icon of two text bubbles with scribbling on one of them and "dot dot dot" on the other. There are two question marks next to the text bubbles
Lack of effective communication with healthcare professionals
Icon of a person, there are some jumbled up letters in a speech bubble next to the person
Limited English language proficiency and vocabulary
Icon of a person with both arms up and a question on the head
Limited understanding of the healthcare system and its facilities
Icon of two people bound by a chain between them
Dependency on others to handle daily healthcare matters and strain on relationships


Icon of a person, there is a checkmark in a speech bubble next to the person
Increase effective oral and written communication skills
Icon of a book with the letters A and Z, signalling vocabulary
Recognize and apply context-specific vocabulary and phrases
Icon of a hospital buildings with 4 interconnected circles surrounding it
Gain knowledge of the local healthcare system and relevant services, empowering independent navigation and informed decision-making
Icon of a person holding out a phone, there is a speech bubble from the phone with "dot dot dot" in it
Acquire the competence to use assistive technologies and communication aids for effective communication


the following learning gaps were identified:

learners may face challenges due to limited vocabulary, understanding of systems and government bodies, lack of awareness of resources availability
addressing communication skills and organizational skills is essential to the success of learners in the real world
some learners may require incentives and encouragement to overcome fear, address cultural values, reduce codependency, and build confidence in navigating the healthcare system
systemic structural issues such as lack of staff training, limited or inaccessible resources, and outdated policies may hinder effective communication and interactions

Learners, primarily first-generation immigrant seniors with diverse language skills, necessitate tailored approaches to training. Analysis of their tasks highlights key responsibilities in managing email, phone, and in-person appointments.

The training setup must ensure responsive design and stable internet, particularly for at-home training. Additionally, when volunteers lead sessions, learners require headphones and volunteers need to familiarize themselves with the content before delivering the training effectively.


To achieve effective training for immigrant seniors, I devised a design that simulates real-life interactions on a smartphone and used storytelling to immerse learners immediately.

Curriculum Development
I started by creating a formal training plan to ensure the success of the learning experience. While the training primarily takes place in an interactive eLearning environment, I recognize the importance of developing supplementary materials, including print communication aids, external resources for language learning, and multimedia content. Activities were designed to mimic real-life scenarios commonly encountered in healthcare settings. For instance, in module 1, learners engage in tasks such as managing appointments using an email app.

A moving GIF of a simulated phone screen with a slider being moved horizontally
An image of a storyboard showing the layout design and notes on navigation and voiceover/audio

To visualize the training content effectively, I created a detailed storyboard outlining the flow of training scenarios, navigation, and interaction details. This allowed for a clear understanding of how learners would engage with the training material and provided a blueprint for future development.

Script Development
Simultaneously, I drafted a script for the eLearning modules, focusing on clear and concise language that addresses the learning objectives. While the script underwent minor revisions throughout the design and development phases, the core content remained consistent to ensure alignment with the project goals.

Style Guide
background distinguishes the in-person simulation from the rest of the training that takes place on the smartphone interface.
‍Once satisfied with the style guide, I proceeded to develop a working prototype in Figma. This involved creating a cohesive visual design and integrating interactions using the prototyping tool. The prototype included nearly 200 frames, simulating various scenarios and responses to ensure a realistic learning experience.

Once satisfied with the style guide, I proceeded to develop a working prototype in Figma. This involved creating a cohesive visual design and integrating interactions using the prototyping tool. The prototype included nearly 200 frames, simulating various scenarios and responses to ensure a realistic learning experience.

Style guide of Healthcare Fluency, showing the colour scheme in shades of lavender and dusty gold colours. Fonts in different levels are shown. Additionally, some phone screen layouts, buttons, and app icons are also shown.

Iterative Review
To refine the design, feedback from UI/UX experts was sought through rounds of feedback and iteration. This process ensured an intuitive and effective learning environment.

A screenshot of the prototype showing a sketched-out figure holding a file folder. There are three buttons thatt has audio waves on it to choose from.


Storyline Development
Onboarding: Addressed the challenge of allowing learners to change their language settings without losing progress. Utilized a "chat" format to familiarize learners with the type of interactions they would encounter later on.
Module Hub: Used variables to ensure learners complete modules in order. Module 2 unlocks only after finishing Module 1, and so on. Learners can also replay any modules they've completed.
Audio-Based Choices: Developed an interactive feature simulating in-person interactions with doctors or receptionists. The design evolved significantly from the prototype to enhance realism and usability.
Phone Call Simulations: Building a realistic phone call experience in Storyline was quite the challenge. Used loads of tricks with variables to create a lifelike experience, even simulating those automated answering machines commonly by clinics.

Screenshot of the elearning showing the onboarding process in a text messaging format
A screenshot of the elearning showing the home hub with the 3 episodes / modules listed
A screenshot of the elearning showing the simulated phone screen with 7 apps on it.
A screenshot of the elearning showing the phone screen. There is a pop-up window asking the user to choose information to include in the email they are writing to a clinic.
Screencapture of the elearning showing a written email, and the mouse moving over to click on a grammar check icon, the underlined line changes, and the mouse clicks on the send button
Screenshot of the elearning showing a simulated dial pad with a call button at the bottom. There is also a sticky note on top of the screen with a phone number.
Screenshot of the elearning showing a receptionist at a clinic talking. There are three audio buttons and an "OK" button at the bottom, one is selected.
A screenshot of the elearning showing the Communicare app, which has phrases users could use.
A screenshot of the elearning program showing a print resource that users can refer to when calling medical facilities.
A screenshot of the elearning showing the resource hub

Supplementary Resources
Communication Aid Printout: Created printouts in English, French, and Mandarin filled with useful phrases to aid communication in healthcare settings.
Email Templates: Developed email templates for learners to use when communicating via email in the future, providing guidance and structure for effective communication.
Linked Translation and Communication Tools: Conducted research on existing translation and communication tools, linking them in the resource hub to provide learners with additional support and resources.

🚀implementation &

To ensure the course's effectiveness, my father, the target learner, trialed it, providing valuable insights for improvement. This feedback loop ensured the training addressed the needs of immigrant seniors effectively.

While currently a personal initiative, this course holds potential for adoption by non-profits seeking to enhance healthcare accessibility for immigrants. In-person implementation with a facilitator could mitigate technology hurdles for less tech-savvy participants. A facilitator's guide could streamline the learning experience and offer support. Moreover, integrating the course into an organization's Learning Management System (LMS) would enable self-enrollment. Utilizing xAPI within the LMS could track learner progress and highlight common errors, guiding course enhancements or additional modules.

By adopting these implementation strategies, the course could broaden its reach and amplify its impact on healthcare accessibility for immigrant seniors.

Feedback played a pivotal role in refining this solo project. Iterations based on input from friends, family, and colleagues led to notable enhancements such as adding subtitles and redesigning pop-up overlays.

However, opportunities for improvement persist. Integrating a feature to replay audio segments would benefit learners with weaker English proficiency, while expanding language options would increase accessibility.

Continued feedback collection will be essential for ongoing enhancement, ensuring the course remains effective and relevant to its audience.


In conclusion, the creation of this training course marks a pivotal advancement in enhancing healthcare accessibility for immigrant seniors. With thorough analysis, creative design, and iterative enhancements, the course provides a tailored learning path addressing language, communication, and navigation barriers in healthcare.

Though opportunities for refinement exist, this project showcases the potency of empathy, creativity, and collaboration in fostering inclusive solutions. Looking ahead, continued evaluation and enhancement will sustain the course's efficacy, empowering immigrant seniors to navigate healthcare autonomously and significantly enhancing their quality of life.

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