PL Funding Application Tutorial


In many unions, Professional Learning (PL) funds offer valuable opportunities for members' professional development. However, a common challenge is the underutilization of funds due to members' lack of awareness or understanding of the process. Recognizing this issue, a screencast video was created to inform members of a local teachers' union about their PL fund.


members are unaware of the availability and benefits of the PL fund
underutilization of union resources
limited engagement and participation in professional learning due to financial barriers


increase awareness of the PL fund among members
provide clear guidance on accessing and utilizing he PL fund
foster a culture of continuous learning and professional growth within the union

🗝️ solution

During my teaching career, encountering numerous new teachers with limited understanding of their union's benefits inspired the creation of this video. The video targets members of the Ottawa Carleton Elementary Occasional Teachers' Association (OCEOTA) and aims to boost the utilization of funding for professional learning. The video is divided into two parts:

Logo of OCEOTA, Ottawa Carleton Elementary Occasional Teachers Association
  1. Conditions and Eligibility
  2. Application Procedure

Given that application forms are available on the union website, a screencast was chosen to demonstrate the procedure step-by-step, while simple slides accompany the eligibility discussion. The script was crafted for easy understanding, ending with a call to action. Production and post-production were handled in Camtasia, where the video was condensed to under 5 minutes using time skip transitions.
Initial feedback highlighted the video's effectiveness in demystifying the fund and aiding members in accessing available resources. It is anticipated that the video will contribute to increased fund utilization, fostering a culture of continuous learning within the union.

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